Website Words

Strategic Copywriting Templates that Will Get You Booked

Staring at a blank screen trying to write your site? 

Grab this incredible collection of fill-in-the-blanks copy templates for every page on your site and:

  • Have a website whose words speaks directly to your ideal clients and customers and converts them into buyers. Woohoo! 

  • Get a ton of examples for every page, making the whole thing a total cinch to write - includes templates for Homepage, About, Services or Course Catalog, Contact, Sales Page, Portfolio, Landing Page, and Shop & Product Pages.

  • Write your website in 1/8 of the time it would have taken you with approximately 1823892 X less frustration, even if you're not good with words - so you can get on with your business, serve your clients better, or do what you love rather than drawing out this whole website writing chore. 

  • The copy structure fits right into the layout of the Little Beast templates so you can plug your words right in (and if you are not using a Little Beast template, no worries - this will show you how to strategically lay out your website wherever you're building it)

  • Also included: How to avoid having your copy sound sleazy and slimy, how to gather the best testimonials to boost your credibility, and how to create an epic high converting opt-in "freebie" gift! Everything you need to get your site content sorted. 

Who are these copy templates for?

These templates work wonders for any female entrepreneur who wants to transform the lives of their clients or customers! People like:

  • Coaches and practitioners of all sorts - business, life, health 
  • Service providers of all sorts - for example designers, virtual assistants, yoga teachers, massage therapists, organizers, stylists
  • Experts like consultants and online course creators
  • Artists, photographers, and other creative entrepreneurs 

Whether you consider yourself good at writing, or like you can barely string sentences together, either way you're going to find these templates mean less time stressing over the exact right words, less money spent outsourcing, and lots more time and freedom. ⁣⁣

So... want to save $3000+ on a professional copywriter? Duh! Grab your copy templates now!


WANT TO GET CLOSE TO 50% OFF? Buy this bundled with our other website-prep courses (Brand Like a Beast: essential clarity on your niche, brand message, and visual vibes - and Fab Photos: your A-Z guide to a successful photoshoot)

Click here

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