Website Prep Bundle

Everything you need to to create a website that snags you ideal clients & customers

Bundle includes courses Brand Like a Beast, Website Words, and Fab Photos. SAVE $100 over buying them individually!

Girl, I get it... trying to decide how to style your website, what to write... how to get profesh looking photos of you to feature on it....IT'S TOO MUCH! GAH! 

Wouldn't it be amazing to just have step by step instructions on how to do all this shiznit so you can move on with your life, spend time with your family, serve your clients, or just do whatever the f you wanna do? Aw hells yeah. 

This bundle contains everything you need to think about BEFORE you start actually building your website. If you want a credibility-boosting website that books clients and creates customers, this bundle is for you my friend! 

Here's what you're gonna get:

  • In the Brand Like a Beast course, you're going to get ultimate clarity on your niche, brand vibes, message, ideal clients, and what makes you unique . This is the foundation of everything in your biz and sets you up for massive success! (This is honestly the most important thing you will ever do in your business)

  • Brand Like a Beast also walks you through how to create a bomb visual style for your brand using low cost tools - how to pick colours, create a logo, pick graphics, patterns, and textures that you can then go plug right into your website and look credible AF. 

  • Website Words gives you Fill in the blanks copy templates for each page of your website - with tons of helpful examples! This course helps you to easily and strategically write your website so that it speaks directly to your ideal clients and makes them beyond excited to work with you.

  • And finally, Fab Photos walks you A to Z through preparing for a branded photoshoot (including photoshoot checklist!). Feel confident in front of the camera and get high quality photos that help you connect with your audience, add credibility to your brand, and ultimately make you more money! 

The value here is, shall we say, insane. It would be $5000+ for a pro copywriter and brand specialist, so ... why are we even still talking about this? Get the bundle now for only $147 and get your website prep sorted! 

Website Prep Bundle